Worldwide Coverage

“NTF” Navi-Trade Forwarders has taken the utmost care in selecting its national, European and international partners. Their professionalism, the quality of their service, their availability, their responsiveness and their facilities make them partners of choice, fitting in perfectly with our corporate philosophy.

To be able to respond to the wishes of our clients, “NTF” Navi-Trade Forwarders can call on a certain number of specialists in France, at strategically located sites such as Marseille-Fos, Le Havre, Lyon, Paris and Nantes. NTF also collaborates with certain European correspondents: in Italy, Belgium, Switzerland and Spain, and internationally: in China (Hong-Kong, Shanghai, Ningbo, Beijing and Xiamen), in India, the United States, Canada, South America and West Africa.

These partners fit in with our operations unconditionally and apply their special local skills and expertise to meet our needs in a timely and effective manner.

You can locate our correspondents on the following map: